Funny Facebook Status About Bad Days

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Bad Day Quotes
Quotes tagged as "bad-day" Showing 1-30 of 48

"You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help."

"Outside the windows the day was bright: golden sunshine, blue sky, pleasant wind . . . I wanted to punch the happy day in the face, grab it by the hair, and beat it until it told me what the hell it was so happy about."
― Magic Rises
― Magic Rises

"I haven't had a very good day. I think I might still be hung over and everyone's dead and my root beer's gone."
― The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
― The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

"Maybe it's not about having a beautiful day, but about finding beautiful moments. Maybe a whole day is just too much to ask. I could choose to believe that in every day, in all things, no matter how dark and ugly, there are shards of beauty if I look for them."
― Mended: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Leaps of Faith
― Mended: Thoughts on Life, Love, and Leaps of Faith

"These worst mornings with cold floors and hot windows and merciless light - the soul's certainty that the day will have to be not traversed but sort of climbed, vertically, and then that going to sleep again at the end of it will be like falling, again, off something tall and sheer."
― Infinite Jest
― Infinite Jest

"There's very little in my world that a foot massage and a thin-crust, everything-on-it pizza won't set right."

"Many bad days were preceded by a bad night's sleep."
"No matter what the day brings and no matter how hard life hits you, if you can breathe, smile and keep moving on! Once you have life, know that God is alive!"
"Keep calm when things don't go according to your expectations! Beautiful things always meet friction!"

"Dr. Webb says that life is so full of complications and confusion that humans oftentimes find it hard to cope. This leads to people throwing themselves in front of trains and spending all their money and not speaking to their relatives and never going home for Christmas and never eating anything with chocolate in it.
Life, he says, doesn't have to be so bad all the time. We don't have to be so anxious about everything. We can just be. We can get up, anticipate that the day will probably have a few good moments and a few bad ones, and then just deal with it. Take it all in and deal as best as we can."
― Where Things Come Back
Life, he says, doesn't have to be so bad all the time. We don't have to be so anxious about everything. We can just be. We can get up, anticipate that the day will probably have a few good moments and a few bad ones, and then just deal with it. Take it all in and deal as best as we can."
― Where Things Come Back
"Never give up on someone who is having a bad day. Tomorrow could be yours."
"Next to the day when I was almost shot by that arrow, the worst day of my life was when I was almost eaten."
― Spirit Quest
― Spirit Quest

"This is turning into an alcohol-will-cure-everything kind of day."
― Bewitched
― Bewitched

"A bad day doesn't cancel out a good life. Keep going."

"When nothing goes my way, when all attempts fail, when the darkest clouds in the sky seem bent on hovering over me while everyone with whom I come into contact flashes a nasty scowl, I find some comfort in the thought of a fresh tomorrow. I am thankful for the opportunity to try again."
― Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year
― Being Bold: Quotes, Poetry, & Motivations for Every Day of the Year

"One man's bad day is another man's good night."

"Everything is terrible still. Today is terrible."
― In Limbo
― In Limbo

"In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma - but never let him be the period, because it may just be a bad day, not a bad life!"

"Malcolm turned round quite slowly. He had had a bad day, but not so bad that he could face talking badgers - talking dead badgers - with equanimity."
― Expecting Someone Taller
― Expecting Someone Taller

" couldn't allow yourself to be in a bad mood or show despondency. You had to take the little spoon of your personality and dig deep in the cold ground until you reached water that you could serve to someone else despite your own thirst."
― The Coincidence Makers
― The Coincidence Makers

"How was your day?' ought to be 'How did you look at your day?"
"a bad day is just a filler episode in our lives"

"All heroes probably had doubts sometimes, she told herself. If she ever met Maximal Star, she would mention that he ought to write about the parts in between the daring rescues. The parts where you feel like a big time faker and failure."
― Tumble & Blue
― Tumble & Blue

"When you fail, know that your past is anonymous to the world, so you might as well go about life as if you've had a good day."
― The Goodbye Song
― The Goodbye Song

"A day gone is a day gone. As they say, don't let a bad day turn into a bad year. Every sunset is an opportunity to reset."
"A bad day doesn't mean a bad week or a bad month or a bad year."
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